
US COVID-19 emergency plan not too late

 二维码 71
发表时间:2020-06-26 22:14作者:田斌

US President Donald Trump recently declared a national emergency in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) during a White House press conference. The widely expected move to prevent the spread of the virus in the country invoked powers granted under the Stafford Act to allow substantially increased federal aid to states and local governments.

The declaration marks a late start for the US' all-out battle against COVID-19, and is set to free up as much as $50 billion in federal funds. The hard-hit US stock market was immediately boosted on Friday.

When the US enters a state of national emergency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) launches emergency plans and supports states and local governments, in this case to organize the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

It is certain that with the allocation and use of federal emergency funds, the detection and treatment of COVID-19 in the US will be significantly accelerated. The US' national health systems, particularly community health agencies, will receive government funding and related resources to control the epidemic.

According to the latest updates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 cases in the US on Sunday hit 1,629, and total deaths numbered 41. Although Trump's declaration was later than it should have been, it was not too late and is significantly better than doing nothing.

In the battle against COVID-19, no country can isolate itself. Controlling the virus spread is a global public health priority and deserves more attention from countries impacted. All countries need to carry out prevention measures and treatment in a timely manner.

Trump's declaration of COVID-19 as a national emergency was critical to effectively put the epidemic under control and prevent further rapid spread in the US. As a global superpower, the US is responsible for improving information disclosure and cooperation among countries, so as to secure victory in the battle against the pandemic. Facing this global public health crisis, the US should join hands with China to fight the coronavirus and make due contributions to safeguard the people of the world.

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